Women’s Economic Power Agenda for Illinois

Apr 30, 2024

Last November, Illinois Partners joined advocates and workers for the Women’s Economic Power Agenda (WEPA) Summit to shape a shared agenda and roadmap to advance women’s economic power in Illinois.

Graphic of WEPA, the Women's Economic Power Agenda for Illinois.

Together we focused on driving collective impact around the shared goal of a more equitable and inclusive economic landscape for women, their families, and their communities in Illinois—policies, programs, practices, and actions that lead to more money in women’s wallets TODAY, not generations from now.

The resulting report, Women’s Economic Power Agenda for Illinois, not only provides a glimpse of the summit, but most importantly, crystallizes the key takeaways and recommendations shaped by the over 50 participating organizations, and dozens of workers themselves.

Many thanks to Women Employed, convening partners and most of all the workers who shared their insights and policy recommendations.

The WEPA report is available in English and Spanish: womenemployed.org/WEPA


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